Friday 27 March 2020

Corona Virus

“Dear humanity,

I don’t think I need to introduce myself. The whole world is talking about me, in lock down because of me, and in perpetual stress because of me. Unlike most of you, I don’t have time to waste, so I’ll get straight to the point and share with you things about myself which the media will not cover.

I do not differentiate between people; young or old, sick or healthy, practicing or otherwise. Don’t accuse me of harshness. I’m simply following the orders of the Supreme Lord who released me.

I’m the one who has busied tyrannical governments from furthering their oppression of their Muslim minorities. I am the one who has humbled the pharaohs of the 21st century and snapped the spine of arrogance in every one of them. I am the one who closed the venues of alcohol, fornication, gambling, smoke and terrified every user of interest. I am the one who harasses the disbeliever behind closed doors as he now questions everything he ever stood for. I am the one who struck fear into the heart of every sinner and cornered him into regret. I am the reminder that moral decay cannot go without retribution. I am proud of this, I don’t apologise for it, and shame on the hard hearts of humanity for needing me as their reminder.  

Yes, you are right;

I am also the one who closed the doors of the Mosques. This is my only sorrow, but it is the wish of my Lord and He is Most Wise. Perhaps you will now realise the luxuries of praying in congregation and sitting in the companionship of angels that you’d previously taken for granted. Why did you need me to realise this?

Your entire lives have come to a grinding halt because of me; a weak, microscopic and silent creature of Allah. What then if He was to send my brothers upon you, by flipping your countries over like He did with the people of Loot? Or rained fire over you as He did with the people of Shu’aib? Or instructed the earth to swallow you as He did with Qaaroon?

I did not cause this. My Lord said you did.

“So each We seized for his sin; and among them were those upon whom We sent a storm of stones, and among them were those who were seized by the blast, and among them were those whom We caused the earth to swallow, and among them were those whom We drowned. And Allah would not have wronged them, but it was they who were wronging themselves.” (Al-Qur’an, 29:40)

Don’t be afraid of me but of the One who sent me.

Don’t busy yourself thinking about how to avoid me, but how to draw closer to the One who sent me.

I, and the rest of creation, are at His mercy, dominated by His power, helpless without His aid. My forelock is in Hands, His wish is my command, and I prostrate to Him. Don’t allow your heart to obsess over me or anything else. Glorify Allah and think well of Him.

I know myself better than you do, so I will say it how it is;

Many of you will die because of me. Those who pass away upon goodness will meet goodness with Allah and can hope for the station of martyrdom. But those of you who die having neglected Iman, lived without vision and delayed repentance, you will soon come to realise that death was in fact the least of your problems.

I don’t know for how much longer my Lord wants me to be around, but one thing is for sure; I may be the calm which follows the storm, and if and when that does arrive, what I’m doing to you today will seem like bliss.

I raise my voice out of mercy to you, and so I ask one last time:

Will you repent?

Will you live with purpose and goals?

Will you promise to follow up every sin with a heartfelt apology?

Your temporary visitor, your sincere advisor, the feeble servant of Allah,


Friday 20 March 2020


Wed, Mar 18, 2020  5 : 54 PM

Peristiwa pelik...Ketika pertama kali masuk rumah baru

Pasal washroom ni. Since 1stMarch 2020 ie waktu pertama kali masuk rumah baru ni, asyik bau mildew kering atau kulat air je. Makin hari makin kuat bau. Tengit menusuk hidung. Nak muntah bau dia. Puas kami hidu2 mencari punca bauan tu. Si M n Y (my colleagues) asyik menonyoh je b/air tu day n night. Siram chlorox , bakar scent, letak humidifier n macam2 lg. Just name it, semua dah apply.
Lagi bengang, pada hari ada 2 patients datang. Pintu tu dah diturup rapi dari pagi selepas diharum2kan n diletak humidifier. Bau tengit tu ada diluar pintu !! Malu sungguh pada patients. Tengahari tu lepas patients balik, kami pun buka la pintu tu, nak tengok hasil  humidifier tu.

Mak aiii!!!! bau tengit n hancing tahap gaban.N lagi worse, bau hancing tu seolah berjalan kluar!!  Siapa pulak yang kencing niii?!! Suspicionku pun dah naik tahap gaban jugak. Tapi aku sabar je dulu.

Pastu pergi dobi lah, makan lah, hantar M balik lah...
Then dengar luahan tidak puas hati Y pasal rumah baru tu, basically sebab bau yg horrendous tu. Honestly, bau tu dah meresap kluar dari bilik air  ke merata tempat.

Aku dah naik geram berang!!!
Sesampai rumah, aku ambik limau2 nipis yg ada n terus buat Ruqyah halau jin n tarek jin degil kedalam limau . Ambik kau!!
Limau lain aku jampi ...mohon pada Allah agar serapkan bau n jin2 yg keras kepala masuk kedalam limau.
Aku potong limau tu jadi 5 bahagian, perah jus dalam 1/4 baldi air hingga air beraroma limau. Aku renjis2 bilik air dengan air limau tu, then siram seluruh lantai. Aku letakkan limau hirisan tu atas toilet pump{dalam gambar bawah} dengan hajat supaya limau jampi tu dapat menyerap semua unsur -ve [negatif]  kedalamnya.
Then pintu ditutup. Besok pagi baru la dibukak.

Maka tiba lah waktu pagi. Lepas solat, maka bermula lah upacara kemuncak...bukak pintu bilik air.

Fuhhh takde dah bau menyengit kuat tu.Tapi ada rasa seram2 sikit n ada bau sikit2 lg. On the whole, it works actually !! Tinggal like 5% je lagi.

Dengan penuh semangat, kami repeat procedure siram menyiram n sedut menyedut jin masuk limau tu. Pintu ditutup semula.
Beberapa jam kemudian, pintu dibuka.

Masya Allah !!  🌼💮🌸🌺🌹
Like magic ..
No more bau bau mildew tu. Bau limau mengharum je 🍋🍊🍋🍊
Amazing !!!! Real real amazing!!!

So the stinking smell tu apa sebenarnya??? Hohoho
Terima lah hakikat dan realiti...
Ada makhluk2 Allah yg tak dapat dilihat telah berkampung di bilik air tu.
Huhuhuuuu seramnya. Hadoiii.

Apapun kami bersyukur kepada Allah swt kerana sudi memakbulkan doa2 kami dan menyampaikan hajat kami.
Syukran laka ya Allah walhamdulillahi rabbil alamiin.